Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur

Department of Yoga

About Us

About Department:

Yoga is the most ancient system of physical and mental development. For centuries it has been practiced by Yogis, sages and seers in order to attain the highest goal of life i.e. emancipation or salvation (Kaivalya or Moksha). Yoga helps to attain physical balance, mental peace, spinal flexibility and purification of nervous system. These attainments gradually lead to awakening of Kundalini (Serpent Power) and its upward movement by piecing Mooladhara (Root Chakra), etc. Yoga is different from physical exercise as it is practiced while focusing attention on breathing.

The human being can attain their health and vitality by regular practice of Yoga. The Yoga helps to attain mental equilibrium and manifest hidden powers within. It also improves will power and achievement in all areas of life. Human beings can easily reach the highest place of self-realization through it i.e. he/she may be capable to identify with his/her real nature/self. Patanjali said (PYS: 1/3: Tada Drashtu Swarutenawasthanam) “then the Yogi establishes in its true nature.”

The Yoga is a unique mind/body system based on micro relationship amongst its methods with mind and body. It is also a method of perfection (sidhies) in other types of Yoga such as The Yoga of Action (Karma Yog), Emancipation (Raja Yog), Devotion (Bhakti Yog), Wisdom (Jnana Yog), etc.